About the Author

EM Lebarre is a wordsmith, bookwyrm, and culinary goddess*. She discovered a love of books before she could read and has found sanctuary in fantasy and paranormal stories during the stormier times in her life- books let you escape your own circumstances and glimpse inside another person’s world! She’s always enjoyed writing but has only recently begun sharing her words with others.

Her first publication was Family Tree, a paranormal flash fiction piece, written for the 2019 Annual Halloween Special of the podcast Alone in a Room with Invisible People. Her latest work, Ten to Halloween, was published on the 2020 Halloween Special, released in late October. She’s also been writing poetry & fiction snippets and working on world-building for an Epic Fantasy novel.

When she’s not writing, she’s supporting other writers as a beta reader, reviewer, proofreader, or copy editor (see Writer Support Services), reading, spending time with her family and fur-babies, and/or cooking.

*Upon reviewing this I realized that the claim of culinary goddess looks boastful- definitely not my intent! It’s actually kind of a silly story…

I have a reputation for being a good cook, feeding people at any and every given opportunity, and for being able to “feed a small army at a moment’s notice”. Over the years I’ve repeatedly been called a kitchen witch (affectionately), and one friend proclaimed that they were using me and my kitchen witchery as the basis for a goddess in their D&D game. So, there it is. I’m a culinary goddess in a role-playing game. Told ya it was silly!