Family Tree

by EM Lebarre

originally published on the podcast, Alone in a Room with Invisible People.

Bees… that’s how the buzzing sounded… like a swarm of bees trapped in Jaynee’s head, making her dizzy. The spots that mottled her vision didn’t look like bees, though. They were purple. Who ever heard of a purple bee? That was her last thought as her knees buckled and she slumped into the nearby tree, falling unconscious.

“Jaynee, sweetheart, open your eyes. You’re okay, honey, I promise.” The voice was familiar and comforting, but she couldn’t identify it. She needed to see the face. It was silly, really. She’d only left the homestead a few times in her life and had only known a handful of people. 

The voice sounded a little like Aunt Simone, but there was something else… something softer, stronger. Jaynee missed Aunt Simone so much. Memories of fun times flashed across her mind before another memory interrupted.

It was right after Mama had died. Aunt Simone was telling her to be brave. “Sweet child, always remember that you’re never alone. You should always stand tall and proud because your family is always there for you- even when you can’t see us. Your mama Mal and Auntie Ina, our mama & aunties, their mama and aunties… they are all walking with us, every step. We honor them by honoring our own truths. We must walk our paths, no matter how scary or uncertain things may get. It’s okay to be scared, but never let fear get in the way.”

Jaynee’s resolve sprang into place. Her eyes adjusted to the blinding light. The face that hovered above her was one she knew only from the photos around the house. She squeaked in surprise.

“Mama? But how…”

“Yes, sweetheart, I’m here. Just like Simone told you I’d be. Hush now.”

“But Mama, they said you died. Are you really here? Am I dead? Was it the purple bees? What is going on???”

Mal smiled, caressing Jaynee’s cheek, “Shhh. You’re fine, just… sleeping. Now calm down. We don’t have long to talk, and there’s a lot to be said.”

Jaynee nodded, thankful the headache was retreating.

“Today is Halloween. The veil between worlds is thin enough for us to talk when you sleep. I want you to know that I’m always with you, even when you can’t see me. You carry me and Simone in your heart, always, but Simone and Ina and all our female ancestors are also here, connected to this place by this tree. Any time you need us, you come to this tree. It is a sacred place to our family. Draw strength from that.”

Mal began fading as she spoke, her voice becoming but a whisper at the end. As her image faded, she touched one of the bright red leaves on the ancient oak.

As Jaynee regained consciousness, she shook her head at the crazy dream. A single, impossibly green leaf glinted at her in the sunlight against a sea of fiery red. 

She reached out, whispering, “Mama?” The leaf trembled at her touch.

(c) 2019